Product description:
Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer has the characteristics of wide detection range, low detection limit and fast detection speed. Application scope of inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer (it can analyze all metal elements and some non-metallic elements in the periodic table)
1. Analysis of steel and its alloys: including carbon steel, cast iron, alloy steel, high purity iron, ferroalloy, etc.
2. Analysis of nonferrous metals and their alloys: including nonferrous metals and their alloys, rare metals and their alloys, precious metals, rare earth elements and their compounds.
3. Analysis of water quality samples: including drinking water, surface water, mineral water, high-purity water and wastewater.
4. Analysis of environmental samples: including solid waste, soil, fly ash, airborne dust, etc.
5. Analysis of geological and mineral samples: including geological samples, ores and minerals.
6. Analysis of animals, plants and biochemical samples: including plants, traditional Chinese medicine, animal tissues, biochemical samples, etc.
7. Analysis of nuclear industry products: including nuclear fuel, nuclear materials, etc.
8. Analysis of food and beverage: including food, beverage, etc.
9. Analysis of chemical and chemical products: including chemical reagents, chemical products, inorganic materials, cosmetics, oils, etc.
Technical features:
Fast analysis
High precision
Good stability
Low detection limit
Many analysis elements
Easy to operate, new Windows operating environment with complete functions
Fully automatic ignition gas circuit intelligent control, software ignition, more convenient
The safety includes cooling water protection, argon protection and arc extinguishing protection. It is safer to use multiple shielding and good grounding to make the instrument radiation less than 2V/m (less than 10V/m according to JJG768-2005). Better ensure the safety of operators.
Technical parameters:
RF generator:
(1) Circuit type: inductance feedback self-excited oscillation circuit, fully automatic ignition, fully automatic control, computer settings for all functions (ignition, flameout, power and other parameter settings); Real time power control; Automatic matching and tuning; Constant temperature of light chamber; Automatic peak position correction; Peristaltic pump injection, pump speed continuously adjustable; There are many injection systems for different samples (common injection system, high salt resistant injection system); Anti ultraviolet radiation, anti high-frequency radiation observation glass, making operation safer. Coaxial cable output, matching tuning, power feedback, closed-loop automatic control.
(2) Operating frequency: 40.68MHZ ± 0.05%
(3) Frequency stability:<0.1%
(4) Output power: 800-1200w
(5) Output power stability: ≤ 0.3%
(6) Electromagnetic field leakage radiation intensity: 30cm away from the fuselage
Electric field intensity E:<2V/m, magnetic field intensity H:<0.2A
Injection device:
(1) Inner diameter of output working coil 25mm, 3 turns
(2) Torch tube: three concentric Fassel type, 20mm outside diameter quartz torch tube
(3) Outer diameter of coaxial spray 6mm
(4) Outer diameter of double barrel fog chamber 35mm
(5) Specification of argon flow meter and carrier gas pressure gauge:
① Plasma flowmeter (100-1000) L/h; (1.6-16L/min)
② Auxiliary gas flow meter (10-100) L/h; (0.16-1.66L/min)
③ Carrier gas flowmeter (10-100) L/h; (0.16-1.66L/min)
④ Carrier gas pressure stabilizing valve (0-0.4MPa)
Light metering device:
(1) Photomultiplier tube specification: R212UH
(2) Negative high voltage of photomultiplier tube: 200-1000V, stability<0.05%
(3) Photomultiplier tube current measurement range: 10-12 - 10-4A
(4) Signal acquisition is V/F exchange: 1mV corresponds to 100Hz
(1) Optical path: Czerny Turner
(2) Focal length: 1000mm
(3) Grating specification: ion etched holographic grating, with a line density of 3600 lines/mm,
Marking area: 80 × 110mm, reciprocal linear dispersion rate: 0.26nm
(4) Wavelength range: 190-500nm
(5) Resolution: ≤ 0.008nm
(6) Scanning wavelength range 3600 lines/mm Scanning wavelength range: 190-500nm
(7) Small step distance of zui driven by stepping motor: 0.0005nm
(8) Entrance slit: 20 µ m Exit slit: 25 µ m
(9) Transmitting mirror specification: (78 × one hundred and five × 16)mm
(10) Lens ф 30, 1:1 imaging